When can i plunder in forge of empires
When can i plunder in forge of empires

when can i plunder in forge of empires

Implicitly you are promising to aid your friend regularly, and if you don't you will probably get dropped from their friends list and become subject to attack again. You can't attack friends, so if they accept this will make you safe.

  • Send a friend invite to your attacker.
  • This won't stop players who are several ages ahead of you, but it will often deter players in your age or lower.
  • Post the strongest defensive army you can.
  • when can i plunder in forge of empires

    You should still collect as often as possible. Run multiple short productions you can only be plundered once per player per 24 hours, so if you can't collect on time, this will at least minimize your losses.You can only be plundered when you have uncollected items in your city, so this is by far the best method. Schedule your production times so you can collect right after they finish.dollars to get more rolls.There is no way to eliminate the chance of being plundered, but to minimize it you can:​ I had to give up after 20 days, or spend real U.S. Statistically, the odds of that happening are about 4 in 1,000,000. Multiple rolls *should* average to 2 each it should have taken 8 rolls, give or take, to total to 16. To finish a 20 day quest series, I needed to roll a total of 16 roll outcomes were 1, 2 or 3. Expense, in real money! The game *can* be played without spending real money, but you have a 2% chance of succeeding, or it takes 4-14 days that would take 4 minutes if you are willing to spend $1 to $7 (several times per day)! Part of the expense is that the random rolls aren't random. try making friends with the attacker or by giving. Complaints to "Support" got the reply, "It's part of the game. So "plundering" is just stealing and repetitive plundering is bullying. The battles are not remotely fair fights. Attackers have been playing longer and have attack buffs of PLUS 300% they do 4 hits damage for each hit you give. Bullying!! Other players can attack your city and " plunder". I very much regret investing money and months of time into Forge of Empires. By jdefdolnet | Review Date: DecemThe game play is likeable, even addictive, but 2 major faults mean that "The only way to win is not to play." Most of the following, you don't find out until after several months of game play.

    When can i plunder in forge of empires